
Class 3


Social Studies


By - Tinkoo Bhattacharjee

Social Studies Success for Class 3

ISBN/SKU: 9789395941372

Key Highlights

  1. CBSE Board Certification: Certified by CBSE, ensuring the book adheres to the rigorous educational standards set by the board for Class 3 students.

  2. Expertly Crafted by Tinkoo Bhattacharjee: Benefit from the expertise of Tinkoo Bhattacharjee, a seasoned educator with over 15 years of experience, providing a curriculum that aligns seamlessly with the cognitive development of Class 3 students.

  3. Comprehensive Subject Mastery: The book expands on foundational knowledge, offering a comprehensive exploration of social studies concepts, preparing students for more advanced learning in higher classes.

  4. Visually Enriched Learning: Engaging visuals continue to enrich the learning experience, making the study of social studies not just educational but also enjoyable.

  5. Dynamic Interactive Elements: Interactive elements keep learning dynamic, encouraging active participation and fostering a deeper understanding of social studies principles.

  6. Practical Application Emphasis: The book places a strong emphasis on practical application, allowing students to apply their growing knowledge in real-life scenarios, promoting critical thinking skills.

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About the Book

The series Social Studies Success is a set of five books for Classes 1 to 5. It is aligned with National Education Policy, 2020 and is in accordance with the latest National Curriculum Framework (NCF) meant for schools affiliated to CBSE and other schools affiliated to various State Education Boards. Each book in the series is supplemented with Teacher’s Resource Book, Online Support and E-book for teachers. 

This innovative series opens up new vistas for the students. They are led step by step towards an understanding of themselves, their homes, families and their environment. This knowledge, in turn, leads them to understand the role they have to play in this rapidly changing and ever-shrinking world.

Salient Feature of the Cource Book

* Learner-centred with a comprehensive approach

* The content is written in a learner-friendly language.

* Captivating photographs and illustrations

* Maps are provided to stay connected to outside world and find the locations.

* Kick start is given in the beginning of the chapter to introduce the learner about the content.     

* On-page difficult words and their meanings

* Are You Aware gives interesting information related to the subject.

* Think and Do section includes questions to assess the learning of the children.

* Rejuggle helps the children to remember the important terms.

* Things I have learnt summarises important points in the lesson for easy recapitulation.

* Life Skills includes activities and themes to help children lead a productive and fruitful life.

* My Page activity is designed to foster the child’s creativity.

* Model Test Papers are given for the half-yearly and yearly exam for practice.

Salient Feature of Other Components

* TEACHER’S RESOURCE BOOK: Contains the learning objectives, teaching plan and answers to textbook questions

* ONLINE SUPPORT: Contains Animated Lessons/Video Lessons, Interactive Exercises, Chapter-wise Worksheets and Downloadable/Printable Maps

* E-BOOK FOR TEACHERS: For teacher’s smartboard purposes only

We hope this series Social Studies Success finds favour with teachers and students. Suggestions for improvement are welcome from teachers, students and other readers of the books.


Category Course Book
Format Digital Book
Type Course Book
No. of pages 1

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