
Class 4


Art and Activity


By - GBP Editorial

Art And Craft Zone for Class 4

ISBN/SKU: 9788183897471

Key Highlights

  • CBSE Aligned Curriculum: Ensure your child's creative journey aligns seamlessly with their school curriculum.

  • Engaging and Creative Content: Spark your child's creativity with captivating lessons.

  • Step-by-Step Instructions: Easy-to-follow guidance for mastering art and craft techniques.

  • Hands-On Projects: Encourage hands-on learning and skill development through practical projects.

  • Inspiring Artworks: Showcase a world of inspiration from renowned artists.

  • Assessment Tools: Measure progress and reinforce learning with self-assessment exercises.

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About the Book

  1. "Explore Art and Craft Zone for CBSE Class 4 - GBP Editorial"
  2. "Art and Craft Zone: Class 4 CBSE - Unleash Creativity and Learning"
  3. "CBSE Class 4 Art and Craft Zone Book - Nurture Artistic Talents"

About the Author

Goyal Brothers Prakashan has in-house team of experienced authors, editors and subject experts.

Category Course Book
Format Digital Book
Type Course Book
No. of pages 1

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