
Class 12




By - Vithika Rahul

Project Work in Psychology with Project Record Book for Class 12

ISBN/SKU: 9789394946323

Key Highlights

  1. CBSE-Aligned Excellence: Aligned with CBSE standards, offering project content that seamlessly integrates with the Class 12 Psychology curriculum.

  2. Real-World Psychological Application: Practical scenarios in psychological contexts for students to apply theoretical concepts, promoting practical understanding.

  3. Structured Record Keeping: Inclusion of a Project Record Book, providing a systematic framework for students to document and present their psychology project work.

  4. Conceptual Emphasis: Clear explanations and use of case studies and practical examples to reinforce conceptual understanding of psychological principles.

  5. Assessment Focus: Opportunities for students to demonstrate and assess their research and presentation skills in Psychology through project completion and presentation.

  6. Guidance for Facilitators: Support for teachers and students in navigating the psychology project work process, ensuring effective implementation and assessment.

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About the Book

Psychology is a very diversified and vast subject in itself. Psychology, like most other sciences, has its own set of tools to investigate the important research questions of its field. Knowledge of theoretical concepts helps in understanding and grasping different concepts and principles. However, practical work is an essential component of psychology. Theories can only be tested in a practical scenario by using various tools and techniques for the collection of data. This book has been written to increase student's understanding about the tools and techniques required for data collection in psychology. CBSE has introduced Practicals in Psychology, at the senior secondary level where students team to administer and interpret various psychometric tests which further enhances their ability as a researcher. These tests are also used at graduate and post graduate levels; hence developing the understanding at school level further assist their knowledge at a later stage. Some salient features of this book are: • Detailed CBSE guidelines regarding the distribution of marks. • Detailed Format of Case Profile along with a sample case profile to enhance the understanding of the students. • Details regarding various concepts that can be tested during practical. • Includes details regarding history of testing, tools and techniques etc. • A detailed format of Practical File is given. This includes five psychometric tests with detailed written report. Moreover, every effort has been made to familiarise students with the key concepts and fundamental principles regarding the case profile, psychological testing and other related principles. We hope this book will meet the expectations of teachers and students of the subject. For future editions of the book, your important recommendations will be greatly appreciated. 
— Author 

Category Course Book
Format Digital Book
Type Course Book
No. of pages 1

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