
Class 7


Artificial Intelligence


By - Hema Dhingra

A Textbook of Artificial Intelligence for Class 7

ISBN/SKU: 9789389962406

Key Highlights

  1. "Embrace the Future with 'Artificial Intelligence' - Hema Dhingra - CBSE Class 7"
  2. "CBSE Class 7 AI Book: 'Artificial Intelligence' by Hema Dhingra - Prepare for the AI Economy"
  3. "Nurture AI Skills with 'Artificial Intelligence' - CBSE 7th Class Book by Hema Dhingra"
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About the Book

The New Education Policy (NEP) has acknowledged the importance of artifi cial intelligence and AI education in today’s time. To align India’s curriculum to the 21st century and to prepare the students for the AI economy, the policy lays profound emphasis on the need to impart the necessary technical knowledge at all levels of education.

School children will be exposed to crucial skills such as digital literacy, coding and computational thinking from a young age, through the teaching of contemporary subjects such as Artificial Intelligence and Design Thinking. The policy also aims to use education as a means to sensitise students to the issues and ethics surrounding AI. It recognises that holistic education of AI-based technologies can not be complete without raising awareness of issues such as data protection and privacy, and ethical concerns such as data bias.

AI is going to play a critical role in education, and the sooner this is recognised, and AI-based efforts are encouraged, the better for our country. There is already a boom in AI adoption globally, across industries and domains, sparked by COVID. We need a workforce that has been trained in AI and related technologies. So, training in AI and related technologies must start early for students to later become the workforce that is able to successfully create, invent, and improve.


Category Course Book
Format Digital Book
No. of pages 1

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