
Class 9


Artificial Intelligence


By - Hema Dhingra

A Textbook of Artificial Intelligence for Class 9 (2024 Edition)

ISBN/SKU: 9789357265652

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About the Book

The term “Artificial Intelligence” may sound intimidating to some, but it has been in use for decades and its applications are more common than you might imagine. It is gaining spotlight across applications in our personal and professional lives. With such far reaching uses, CBSE has propounded the National Educational Policy (NEP), 2020. CBSE has also come out with the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2023 which provides guidelines to point to in the text. This book is aligned with the NEP 2020 and NCF 2023. The exercise questions have been sorted out based on all different types of thinking by its students. The NEP 2020 and NCF 2023 focusses on development of critical thinking, life skills, problem solving skills, experiential learning, etc.
Salient features of this book are: l As per the latest Skill Education curriculum and examination pattern prescribed by
the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.
l The book is divided into three sections:
r Part A deals with the Employability Skills with chapters on the units: Communication Skills – I, Self-Management Skills-I, ICT Skills – I, Entrepreneurial Skills – I and Green Skills – I.
r Part B deals with the Subject Specific Skills consist of chapters on Artificial Intelligence and are technical in nature. It consists of four units that are Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, AI Project cycle, Neural Network and Introduction to Python.
r Part C contains 3 Model Test Papers based on the Latest CBSE Sample Question Paper and examinations pattern.
While writing the book, we have tried to keep the explanation simple with lots of examples and illustrations. Finally, there is always a scope for improvement. Thus, it is a request to our esteemed readers to send the feedback and suggestions, etc. for the improvement of the book.
All your requests are welcome.
— Authors

Category Course Book
Format Physical Book
Type Course Book
No. of pages 1

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