Class 9
By - VEENA BHARGAVAA TEXTBOOK OF ICSE GEOGRAPHY for Class IX has been especially written to comply with the norms set by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (ICSE) and it strictly conforms to the latest syllabus prescribed by the Council for the year.
I have made sincere efforts giving explanations, instructions and guidelines so as to inculcate interest, understanding and self-confidence in the pupils and help them to prepare better for the examination.
Salient features of this book are :
- A student-friendly and examination oriented book with scientific, logica- and practica- approach. The book has been updated with the latest information, til- date.
- Al- the chapters are given in simple language, using appropriate diagrams, coloured pictures, illustrations and Mind Maps.
- A complete set of solved maps in colour is given for ready reference. It is a compulsory question in Board Examination carrying 10 marks. It wil- serve as a helpline for the students.
- A glossary of technica- terms has been given at the end of each chapter for a better understanding of the subject.
- A step-by-step guideline is given for the interna- assessment, an integra- part of the syllabus, i.e., three records (10 marks) and a sample project carrying 10 marks.
- Teacher’s Resource Book containing answers of the exercises given at the back of each lesson is available.
- Sample Question Paper (solved) is given.
- As per the latest addition in the Board Examinations for ICSE, MCQs (Multiple choice questions) have been incorporated for exercise in each chapter.
- Questions on Critica- Thinking have been incorporated in some lessons.
- Worksheet have been given to be done in class.
I believe that this comprehensive book will provide an ideal platform for the interaction between the teachers and students.
Any constructive suggestions for further improvement of the book are welcome.
– Author
M.A., B.Ed.
Former Vice Principal
St. Martin's High School
Ferozaguda, Balanagar,
Category | Course Book |
Format | Physical Book |
Type | Course Book |
No. of pages | 1 |