
Class 10




By - V. K. Sally

Core Science Lab Manual with Practical Skills for Class 10

ISBN/SKU: 9788183894371

Key Highlights

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Encompasses all experiments specified by CBSE, ensuring students have a profound understanding of practical physics concepts and are well-prepared for examinations.

  • Precise Guidelines: Offers clear, concise instructions, enabling students to conduct experiments confidently and accurately. Enhances students' laboratory skills, ensuring accurate data collection and analysis.

  • Theoretical Foundations: Provides in-depth explanations of theoretical principles, ensuring students grasp the scientific basis of each experiment. Prepares students to answer theoretical questions effectively in examinations.

  • Viva-Voce Readiness: Equips students with a comprehensive set of viva-voce questions and answers, instilling confidence for practical examinations. Students are well-prepared to articulate their understanding coherently.

  • Scientific Inquiry: Fosters a spirit of scientific inquiry, prompting students to explore, question, and experiment. Nurtures a lifelong fascination for physics, encouraging students to pursue scientific careers and further studies.

  • Continual Enhancement: Welcomes feedback, suggestions, and guidance from educators, students, and parents, ensuring the manual evolves to cater to the evolving needs of budding scientists and educators.

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About the Book

We feel great pleasure in bringing out this Revised edition Of "Core Science Lab Manual With Practical Skills for Class 9". This book has been thoroughly revised, keeping in view the latest Syllabus prescribed by the C.B.S.E., New Delhi for Class X.

Key features Of this book are :


  • Based on the latest C.B.S.E. syllabes.
  • Basie concepts have been clearly explained before each experiment.
  • Apparatus/Chemicals required to carry out the experiments have been clearly mentioned.
  • Instructions for procedure have been given, so that the students can easily perform the experiments.
  • Stress has been laid on the diagrams, which are properly labelled. Precautions and Sources of error are given at the end of each experiment.
  • Detailed observations and calculations are provided, So that there is no difficulty in maintaining Practical Record Books. Relevant questions with answers are given under the heading Viva-Voce for each experiment.
  • Suggestions are given for the teachers to modify the experiments, if there is a need to do so.Practical Based Questions have been given along With answers, at the end Of each experiment.
  • Previous years solved CBSE Questions have been included experiment-wise.

It is expected that the students will take full advantage of this Manual while preparing their practical records and performing the experiments. The skills learnt during practical work in the laboratory Will help them to explore, discover and innovate. Constructive suggestions and comments on this manual are welcome.

With best wishes to all students.
— Authors

Category Course Book
Format Digital Book
No. of pages 1

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