
Class 6




By - S. K. Gupta

Grammar Success with Composition for Class 6

ISBN/SKU: 9789352561797

Key Highlights

  • Comprehensive Learning: Provides a comprehensive understanding of health and physical education, covering fundamental principles and advanced concepts, catering to students' diverse learning needs.

  • Interactive Exercises: Engages students with interactive exercises and practical examples, reinforcing learning and encouraging active participation, facilitating a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

  • Visual Learning: Abundantly illustrated with colorful visuals and real-life imagery, enhancing visual learning and aiding students in grasping complex concepts effortlessly, ensuring better retention and understanding.

  • Wellness Promotion: Encourages the adoption of a balanced lifestyle, promoting the significance of regular physical activity, nutritious diet, and mental well-being, instilling lifelong habits for a healthier future.

  • Life Skills Emphasis: Focuses on nurturing essential life skills, including problem-solving and interpersonal communication, empowering students with skills crucial for personal growth and positive social interactions.

  • Exam Readiness: Equips students with practice materials, sample papers, and assessment tools, ensuring they are well-prepared and confident in their knowledge, promoting academic excellence.

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About the Book

Grammar is an instrument that enables language use. Many methods are now followed in teaching and learning of  English Grammar. We need grammar to improve students' ability to

  • use language accurately in their own writing.
  • use language effecvely in their own writing.
  • read critically the writing of others.

Grammar Success with Composition Books 1 to 8, a series of textbooks on English Grammar and composition for primary and middle classes, is based on traditional and modern approaches to teaching of English grammar. This series introduces grammatical concepts lucidly and simply, which leads the students to assimilate them thoroughly and to apply them in communication Basic grammatical concepts have been defined and explained with the help of simple examples followed by a variety of exercises to reinforce conceptual grasp. This series also provides students with an ample number of exercises to expand their dexterity in language use  through  vocabulary,  comprehension  and  composition  components.

Salient features of books in this series are :
1. Simple and clear explanation of grammatical rules.
2. Each concept of grammar is introduced through detailed explanation with examples and exercises to help students to grasp its functions.
3. Instructions to exercises in easy language to ensure clarity.
4. Variety of interesting, sufficiently large in number and very well graded exercises.
5. Fun based exercises to enhance the scope for classroom interaction.
6. A wide range of fun activities like grids and puzzles.
7. Revision Tests to check if the concepts have been grasped.
8. The Vocabulary Section helps students to extend their active and passive vocabulary by introducing them to new words through exercises and comprehension.
9. The Comprehension Section tests the literal and evaluative comprehension of the students through  an  array  of  texts,  fiction  and  non-fiction.
10. The Composition Section covers a variety of guided, easy-to-do exercises for developing the writing  skills  of  the  students.

Each book in this series is accompanied with Teacher's Resource Book to guide teachers on how to introduce  and  revise  concepts  in  a  meaningful  and  interesting  way  to  achieve  goals.

Any construc?ve sugges?ons for the improvement of the books would be welcomed and incorporated in future edi?ons of the series.

Category Course Book
Format Digital Book
No. of pages 1

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