
Class 10


English Grammar


By - I.L. Wanchoo

I.C.S.E. English Language Skills COMPOSITIONS FOR CLASS 10

ISBN/SKU: 00000000000000000000

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About the Book

I.C.S.E. English Language Skills for Class X is written according to the latest syllabus prescribed by the Council for the I.C.S.E. Examinations, New Delhi. This book has the latest questioning pattern followed by the Council.

The Book is divided into Six booklets. They are :
Booklet One : Composition
Booklet Two : Letters
Booklet Three : Comprehension
Booklet Four : Grammar
Booklet Five : Sample Papers
Booklet Six : Listening and Speaking

Each booklet deals comprehensively with all the sections of the English Language Paper. The book has been designed as a complete English Language Course, providing basic and essential guidance on how to master language skills and achieve full confidence in tackling any question set
in English Language Paper I. Space is provided in each booklet to answer questions.

Salient features of this Booklet are

  • Provides Skills needed to write a composition with confidence.
  • It is divided into units : 1. Descriptive 2. Narrative 3. Argumentative 4. Reflective 5. Imaginative 6. Factual 7. Picture Compositions. Each unit deals with only one kind of composition.
  • Every unit has 5 Solved and 7 Unsolved Assignments.
  • The subjects are chosen with great care and include topics within the scope of the syllabi.

It is our sincere hope that this book will not only prepare the students to face any question set for the I.C.S.E. examination, but also give them a command of English language, boost their confidence and prepare them to face the world when they leave school.

Any suggestions for improvement will be gratefully accepted.

Category Course Book
Format Digital Book
Type Course Book
No. of pages 123

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