
Class 9




By - J. P. Goel

ICSE Economics for class 9 (2024 Edition)

ISBN/SKU: 9789357261555

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About the Book

We are presenting before you the throughly revised and updated edition of the textbook entitled ‘ICSE Economics’ for Class IX. This new edition has been designed strictly in accordance with the latest curriculum prescribed by the Council for Indian Certificate of Secondary Examination, New Delhi.
The new edition of the textbook delivers high yielding contents in a concise format with everything you need for your examinations. Every effort has been made to make the book reader friendly and examination-oriented. Unnecessary portions of the text have been deleted and certain new topics have been added to make the book more relevant to the revised curriculum. Important portions of the text have been highlighted by using bold and small prints. More illustrations, charts and pictures have been given to make the text simple and interesting.
The text of this new edition covers all the topics by using latest and authentic statistical information. Each chapter contains a Question Bank which incorporates all important questions along with their precise answers.
It is, therefore, earnestly hoped that the book in its present form would prove highly useful to the students for whom it is written as well as to the learned teachers. Since there is always room for improvement, we would welcome readers’ comments and suggestions on any aspect for the improvement of the book.
Finally, we wish to express our deep gratitude to my publisher and his staff for their untiring efforts to bring out this edition of the book well in time and that too in this nice format.
Suggestions and opinions of the readers of the book would be most welcome.
J.P. Goel

Category Course Book
Format Physical Book
Type Course Book
No. of pages 1

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