
Class 7




By - GBP Editorial

Stepping Stones Litreature Reader for Class 7

ISBN/SKU: 9789352561339

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About the Book

Stepping Stones — A Comprehensive Integrated Multi-skill Course in English meets the needs and requirements of educators of a comprehensive curriculum for learners of English. This series builds a firm foundation in communicative language learning through a graded and comprehensive three-book [Coursebook, Workbook & Literature Reader] package. It develops essential Communication Skills and also integrates the four language skills of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. It is designed for an all round development of the learners’ life skills with varied, innovative, captivating contents, related to the learners’ firsthand experience. They enhance their creative, emotional and social thinking skills with challenging formative and summative tasks set for them.
The course consists of :

  •  Coursebooks 1 to 8 (with CDs for animated lessons and interactive exercises)
  •  Workbooks 1 to 8
  • Literature Readers 3 to 8
  • Teacher’s Resource Books 1 to 8

The main objective of Literature Reader is to develop the learners interest in reading good literature from many lands and arouse their curiosity about children of other lands. Each lesson is chosen with great care and graded
according to the interests of the learners. They include all the genres of literature — fairy tales, adventure tales, tales of mystery, cartoons, biographies, autobiographies, humorous tales, classics — a panorama of all the aspects of good literature. Reading literary stories will not only create an interest in literature but also help in gaining a command over English language. It will also initiate the learner into a more serious study of literature at higher level.
Special features of the Literature Reader

  • Includes all important age appropriate literary genres.
  •  Each lesson is preceded by a short Warm up that tells the students a little about the literary piece that follows.
  • Each lesson adds to the life skills of the students, gives them a new value to appreciate and builds up an interest in reading.
  • Comprehension of the text is both factual as well as inferential.

We hope our series will prove to be of great help to both learners and teachers. Any suggestions for improvement will be gratefully acknowledged.

About the Author

Goyal Brothers Prakashan has in-house team of experienced authors, editors and subject experts.

Category Course Book
Format Digital Book
Type Course Book
No. of pages 88

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