
Class 10





A Textbook of ICSE Geography for class 10 (2024 Edition)

ISBN/SKU: 9789357263399

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About the Book

A Textbook of I.C.S.E. Geography for Class X has been especially written to comply with the norms set by the Council for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (I.C.S.E.) Examinations, and it strictly conforms to the Syllabus prescribed by the Council for the year 2023-24 of academic year and onward examinations.
I have given simple explanations, instructions and guidelines so as to inculcate interest, understanding and self-confidence in the pupils, help them attain perfection in this subject and write ‘to-the-point’ answers as expected in the board examination. The information given in the book is updated up to 2023.

Section-wise Salient Features of the Book
- Section A : Topography map work provides step-by-step guidance in interpreting the topographical survey sheets — A compulsory question (carrying 10 marks in the board examination).
- Section B : Map of India covers the entire syllabus in colour on map pointing (a compulsory question carrying 10 marks in the board examination) with solved maps.
- Self study Question Bank based on I.C.S.E. Board Examination questions (solved) from 2015–2023 at the end of each chapter is given to help the students to prepare for board examination.
- A sample project outline and guidance (compulsory carrying 20 marks in the board examinations).
- A set of Assignments based on each chapter for class work and self-practice.
- Graphs, tables and other relevant data has been updated in all the chapters.
- Guidelines for interpretation of topographical survey sheets and map pointing, have been provided as per I.C.S.E. level for the purpose of self-practice for students during preparation for Board Examination.
- A list of key words at the end of each chapter with definitions and explanation necessary for 1 mark questions in the examination.
- The exercises covering the entire chapter are meant for classroom discussions, revision and recapitulation to summarise the lesson before giving homework.
- A practice map of ‘outline map of India’ has been given at the end of each chapter (wherever necessary) that can be xeroxed for self-practice.
- The Teachers Resource Book of this textbook based on given exercise at the back of each chapter is available on study.goyalsonline.com or Merit Box Mobile application on google play store.
- 100 questions on India maps, and Topo practice for self-practice is available in QR code on page 110, updated for 2023-24.
- A glossary of conventional signs and symbols showing their exact location on survey sheets along with the grid reference.
- Includes full pull-out topographical survey sheets G43S7 and G43S10.
- Key Points, Reasoning based Questions and MCQ’s, and Recap have been incorporated.
- Specimen Question Paper (Solved) for ICSE 2023 Examination.
- QR Code available in the Textbook to access Video Lectures on Toposheet, Map pointing, Map practice and Text.
- New Analytical and application based questions as per specimen paper for 2024 Examination, in corporated in the Exercises, with answers to guide the students.
I hope this comprehensive and examination-oriented textbook will provide an ideal platform for the interaction between the teacher and students. It is a complete textbook, which will inculcate self-confidence amongst the
students and provide the necessary guidance in achieving their goals.
— Author

About the Author

M.A., B.Ed.
Former Vice Principal
St. Martin's High School
Ferozaguda, Balanagar,

Category Course Book
Format Physical Book
Type Course Book
No. of pages 1

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