
Class 7


Information Technology


By - Sayan Banerjee

A Textbook of Information Technology for Class 7

ISBN/SKU: 9789389962420

Key Highlights

  1. CBSE Aligned Curriculum for Class 7
  2. Comprehensive Coverage of Information Technology
  3. Age-Appropriate and Student-Friendly Language
  4. Structured Learning with Self-Assessment and Exercises
  5. Interactive Learning and Hands-On Activities
  6. Authored by Experts in the Field
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About the Book

Information Technology is knocking on the doors of almost every business out there. Business owners want that their business chores get a technological boost so that there is a refined and proper look to the output. Computers are more than capable of achieving this makeover for any business.

The book titled A Textbook of Information Technology for Class 7 fillfils all the needs and requirements of the latest syllabus and examination pattern.

The CBSE has released its consolidated Skill Education syllabus for classes 6 to 8. We have divided the syllabus, keeping age and knowledge of children in mind, Into class 6, class 7 and class 8 books.

The book contains only four chapters. The chapters in order are Fundamentals of Computer, Algorithms and Flowcharts, Scratch and Cyber Security _ Each chapter has been broken down into easily readable sessions and a session has additional subtopics. The matter that has been written is age-appropriate, and language is kept simple.

The chapters in the book have been divided into the following parts:

(a) Introduction: It introduces you to the topic of the chapter. It also tells you what you Will leam through the various topics covered m the chapter.

(b) Sessions: It contains relevant Information on the session headings. The knowledge developed through sessions will enable you to perform catam activities.

(c) Self Assessments: At the end of all topics under a session heading, Self assessment is Included to evaluate the knowledge of the learners. It comprises Multiple Choice Questions, Answer the following questions and Activity zone.

(d) Exercises: At the end of each chapter, Exercises are included to test the understanding of the matter read over the various topics. This section consists of Multiple Choice Questions, Fill in the blanks, State true or false, Answer the

     following questions, Application based questions and Activity area.

We hope that this book will meet the needs and requirements of the students and teachers as laid down in the syllabus. Any suggestion for åuther Improvement of the book Will be most welcomed.

— Authors

Category Course Book
Format Digital Book
No. of pages 1

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